December 29, 2024Comments are off for this post.

Basquiat & Schnabel

Keep coming back to how good and inspiring this film is.

November 6, 2024Comments are off for this post.

Future of Work

Really appreciate the nature of the discussion with the bright minds behind

What we are seeing is an inevitable adressing of inefficiencies that society has fabricated, and it is brilliant how they have taken that to a concrete product and use case of this.

It is freightening as well, but from a point of view to ask - what are we doing with our time this is a major shift upon us. Clearly important to tune into the tools, and the discussions being had.

September 22, 2024Comments are off for this post.

Resynthesis / Max Cooper

Just wonderfully interesting. Science and Art in swift interplay.

September 19, 2024Comments are off for this post.

Featuring : Director Ivan Zacharias

There is something quite appealing about how the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival engaged Director Ivan Zacharias to create these segments.

Good sense of humour.

Stands out.

September 2, 2024Comments are off for this post.

The Frontiers of Design

Definitely worth a watch, on where design is from leading thinkers.

There is a quote in here related to products being created to keep you in a constant loop of attention, which I agree with has gone way too far, especially for the generation that have limited exposure to the analogue history.

Are designers becoming problem creators rather than problem solvers? I think the universe of Meta, Instagram and Youtube have a massive responsibility to not become money machines and to know boundaries. The issue we get to is that nothing is ever enough.

I'd much rather go into a vinyl store than engage in internet experiences that throw freesbies at you from every direction.


August 18, 2024Comments are off for this post.

Warm sounds: Khruangbin

August 12, 2024Comments are off for this post.

Uplifting beats: Thievery Corporation

Pure Bliss. Lovely cinematic touches also.

August 8, 2024Comments are off for this post.

Featuring: Chris Doyle

Christopher Doyle has had a tremendous impact on cinema. I am happy to have discovered his work through Wong Kar Wai, and now to learn a little more about the man himself.

Having had a chance to work as a DOP in the Canaries the past weeks, this is a massive inspiration. Worth a watch and a good laugh.

March 6, 2024Comments are off for this post.

Onto the Lower and The East

Today I got a special email from London, the colour photos I went to lengths with in three cities around the world were ready developed. It's always such a great moment, with a mix of suspense and discovery, despite quite often too some revelations of mistakes - not few. But it's that process.

I kind of go with the moment onto sharing. I really want to wait to see them all, but the ones from New York are keeping me hopeful I haven't lost the quirks and aspirations of what it all was about.

February 20, 2024Comments are off for this post.

New York vibes

Brother from another mother with an excellent mix here.

Looks like a very fun place to be.

New York you Wizzard of energy.

This is ❤️

February 16, 2024Comments are off for this post.

Rio I love you

After having experienced Rio, I can't wait to rewatch this. I remember it made a big impact when I watched it, entirely on the levels of Paris and New York.

January 12, 2024Comments are off for this post.


Meeting a new countdown. I know better what the cities mean. And this one will always be special, one of the magic ones. Packing my camera to see if I can express this better this year.

January 4, 2024Comments are off for this post.

Music Feature: Giegling

January 4, 2024Comments are off for this post.


Happy New Year, it's time to get things rolling.

Organising things is extremely time consuming of recent so it's key to let it go at the speed it needs, and do it with music.. hang on the music needs a system too. This will come.

Turns out I've saved some over 2000 tracks on Soundcloud in the last decade and I think I could listen to them all in one flow if I could. Perhaps getting them into the playlist mode is a much better user experience, to be considered. Looking for good energy and the ones that have something that makes you instantly connect and wander.

December 8, 2023Comments are off for this post.

Four Tet @TheLotRadio

If Boiler room wasn't enough to get you through plenty of music discovery the Lot Radio has some really lovely mixes up. Really inspiring to think a station could be set up on the islands also.

December 1, 2023Comments are off for this post.

Coney Island

Autumn, 2012

As I look back to these and make sense of the archive I remember how much of an influence Vivian Maier was in 2009 when the first images were revealed to the world.

December 1, 2023Comments are off for this post.

Ólafur Arnalds live from Hafursey

November 21, 2023Comments are off for this post.

Inspiration spotlight

Really happy to discover this talented human. Like the young William Klein with another take.

May 12, 2023Comments are off for this post.

Featuring: David Salle on the Experience of Art

Out of the Artists worth listening to across the Atlantic, David Salle is definitely one of them.