Hello, my native name is Joachim [yow·uh·keem] yet some humans prefer to call me Jojo.

Originally hailing from the serene landscapes of Norway, I’ve made London my home since 2011. While my primary base is in this vibrant city, my design career has taken me to New York, Rome, Amsterdam as well as Koln & Madeira.

Prior to my design journey I spent most of my early life on islands, including Madeira, Gran Canaria, Dominican Republic, as well as New Zealand in my early 20's.

With so much relocation and adjustments I admit that I preferred the Metropolitan way of things, to be in the Culturual Hubs until later in life I started to appreciate the peaceful nature of the Sea.


Becoming a Designer

Like most humans in their 20's I had an inclination to choose a lot of different creative careers after high school.
The spectrum of Architecture, Interior Designer, Musician, Photographer, Filmmaker all appealed to me but

It was to start the very Creative energy out in the Web that caught my attention into Digital Design, discovering the likes of North Kingdom, ISO50, and later the well known agencies like IDEO, FROG, Smart Design. 

At the heart of what I have always done lies Creativity and an underlying need to solve problems.

Values I lean to

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Writing goes here...


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